My son is 9 years old and always rubs his eyes, can you tell us about the reason and the treatment for the same?
Due to the hot climate in our region, Vernal conjunctivitis spreads as a results of exposure to harmful sunlight. Vernal conjunctivitis’ symptoms appear through the colored/ unclear sclera (white of the eyes). That’s why it is recommended to use sunglasses, wash eyes with cold water, and non-use of common tools that transmit infection among children, and to use medical eye drop that directly treats the eyes and at the same time prevents the reappearance of allergic reactions or making the symptoms less severe in the cases where the eyes are too sensitive to allergy and there is high probability of appearing again.
* Blue water or glaucoma is one of the congenital diseases, what is the treatment for it?
Glaucoma is an eye disorder in which the white of the eye turns into blue as a result of the ocular hypertension that pressures on eye wall and turns it into blue as a result of less corneal thickness. Eye drops are not suitable for treating glaucoma in children as it is in adults, that’s why surgical operations are a must in this case, and modern technologies provide more chances of success in this area.
* What are the causes of dark circles under the eyes?
Dark circles around the eyes result sometimes from general sickness to the whole body or deficiency of vitamins or minerals. This might also be caused by fatigue, irregular sleep habits, or imbalance of fluids in the body. In other cases, dark circles result from eyelid disorders, the eyelid position, and the cholesterol deposits around the eye. To determine the direct cause for that, you need to see a doctor to diagnose the reason and to determine whether the cause is accidental or recent and the way of treating it.